Has anyone ever thought about how social media can affect peoples’ lives, which social media site is the best and how to get entertained? Social media is the best answer, for someone who wants to have the knowledge of what is happening all over the world. In this article you may find the answer of all your questions about social media.
Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, What’s up, Twitter, Tik Tok are some of the most widespread social media that everyone has. For me, the best two are Instagram and Twitter, but from my experience, I think the most people are using Facebook. I don’t know why, but people like this. It’s not my job to change your opinion, but I think you should try all of them and then make your final decision.
Something more you maybe don’t know is how social media affect peoples’ lives. It’s known that you can upload anything you want on social media, apart from being able to see uploads of others, even if they are your ‘’friends’’ or not. With ‘’friends’’ we mean all the followers and the people that you are following, too. The first reason why social media can affect peoples’ lives is the fake friends. Sometimes they are uploading something bad for another person and people don’t even care about that. But have you ever wondered how this person feels? I am sure you don’t. But when someone would do this to you, I am pretty sure that you will be angry and upset.
The other reason is Photoshop and editing. Some people – if not all people – photoshop and edit their pictures to look more beautiful. Someone that may see that will feel uncomfortable and not confident enough for himself or herself. That’s not good, because social media is a way to spend the time relaxing and not be self-conscious about our image. Social media rules tell that ‘’ if anyone makes anyone else uncomfortable, then their upload will get deleted immediately’’, but these rules are not followed all the time, because these pictures are from celebrities and famous people, but neither they nor anyone have the ability to make others feel like that. I hope that this is understandable by everybody.
Now, to sum up, let’s talk about how social media can entertain us. First of all, it is one of the best ways to spend your time relaxing on the bed after a long and tiring day. Even if you are very tired, social media can make you cheer up, because they affect us in many aspects, that we are interested in. Nobody understands how time passes through their adventure in social media. Secondly, you can chat with friends and relatives. A friend is always the best solution, as we are feeling great talking to them, even if we are sad and even when we are excited. Never underestimate the power of friendship. The relatives are, also, a good answer to discuss our problems or our achievements with them.
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